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In this day in time everybody wants to be an entrepreneur.

The preconceive notation is that entrepreneurs can work when

the feel like it. That when you're an entrepreneur you don't have

to answer to a boss. You're in charge of the business as well as the

decisions making.


Truth is you're going to work longer hours than your 8-12 hour

shift day that you're giving your current employer. Statistics show that the average entrepreneur will have do work amount of years before they are considered "successful". During those years leading up to your success you are going to have to build multiple streams of income as well as build residuals in order to take a day off.


The number one question I get from clients as well as former co-workers is how I transitioned from Corporate American to a Business Owner. The answer is simple I had to know my why. Yes....That’s right my why?! My why couldn't be tied to money, as if I thought that every problem I had could be resolved by money then money just became the problem. Simply put don't do it for the income, do it for the outcome.


As a visionary I speak affirmations to myself, employees and clients daily. I support them even when you may not have the support of others. I employ you to surround yourself with people who will support your dreams and aspirations. Positive energy is everything! Positive energy begins in your thoughts, your emotions amplifies it and your actions only increases its momentum. Know your WHY? My why is that I want to make a meaningful impact in the lives of my clients that they will find fulfillment that their dreams have been transformed into reality.


Colossians 3:17 says "And whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name

of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him".

Whatever you do in this world whether it is by your word or by your deed do it in

the name Lord. Thank him daily for the gifts inside of you. Cause truth is the only

difference between you and someone who didn't make it. Is that you had the faith

and the strength not to give up on your dreams when they did.


Number 1: You’re going to work, probably harder than you do now.

Number 2: Know your why? (On the days you don't feel like working, when you don't feel successful and you’re being challenged on ever end. Your why is what makes you passionate).

Number 3: If you only say one prayer in a day, make it THANK YOU! You’re blessed with everything you need. Work hard towards everything you want. And most of all I appreciate and thank God for what I have.


Shanita Robinson James
Visionary and Founder of
iVision 360 Consulting Firm LLC
For additional information please log on to or call 844-592-2997

The Truth About Business

by Shanita R. James, B2B Contributor

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