Chilli's Truth
Chilli is living her truth and walking in faith as a God's soldier.
By Brittany N. Winkfield
Chilli has always been a believer and has never doubted that there is a God
and Jesus Christ. She grew up Seventh-day Adventist through her Great Grandmother
who she affectionately calls Big Mama. Everything about her faith was instilled in her
at an early age. “I thank God for her so much because the truth was always in me.”
When it’s real like that you can’t stay away and it kind of nags at you. She credits Pastor Doug Bachelor and the Amazing Facts ministry on television as making a huge difference in her life and her walk with the Lord. “God’s Word has never been broken down to me the way that he is able to break it down,” she says. Chilli explains how Pastor Doug came from being a nonbeliever of anything to becoming a pastor and teaching people about God’s Word. “God had a real plan for him.”
“A lot of people will ask me because I’m a Christian and Seventh-day Adventist, how I maintain my faith in this business that I’m in. Everybody knows that when it’s Sabbath I don’t do any work-related things or interviews. If anyone asks why I explain the reasons and bring it back to the Word and the importance of the Sabbath. The Sabbath has not been abolished like so many people believe. I honestly have to talk to myself because I get very frustrated because it’s so clear. While we’re on tour a lot of the dancers or anyone who wants to come on my bus is invited to come and listen to Pastor Doug, especially Sabbath day. I’ll share a link with friends and family and prayerfully they’ll tune in. Every blue moon I’ll get to talk to Pasotr Doug and his wife Karen and I love that.”
Often times we grow up and go with the faith that someone taught us. Almost like a soldier, you fall in line and do whatever, but it’s always good to do your own research and pray and ask God to reveal the truth to you. You read the Bible to get to the truth.
As long as we’re living, no matter how old you are, you can always improve areas of your life, especially in our walk with Christ. What’s important to Chilli is that she’s always herself. If you follow her on social media, you see that she shares scripture and healthy food often. As someone devoted to physical fitness, Chilli is fearless about sharing her health insights, which closely align with the counsel found at the Amazing Facts website. “It’s important to take care of the temple; that’s what God wants us to do. So I spread that Word.”
Her prayer is that God uses her as a vessel to be a blessing in someone’s life. We are flawed human beings. When my mind starts to wander, I say the Lord’s prayer and that gets me back to the basics. We are sinners, but thank God for Jesus Christ!
@therealchilli // @officialtlc