A Series by Miriam Kazadi
Carried – not lifted. Raised above and beyond, through and through despite what your circumstances say, or what you may think or see. This is the power of God’s love. It carries you through your worries through your fears and beyond your expectations.
However, many of us have, at one point or another, allowed other forces in our life to carry us away, me included. Away from God’s truth, away from God’s people and away from God’s purpose. For me it is usually the unknown, the unfinished, and the undeclared. Not knowing how a situation will work out or how someone will react will always take us out, if we let it. In the season I am in right now, everything seems unsure. The outcome is not clear and the road is not paved. The way (Christ’s way) says to trust God but the flesh is weak and it heads straight to worrying and planning for the worst. This Carried Away series will call us out of that pattern of allowing anything to carry us away. Out of the worries of this world into the promises of God.
But the worries of this life, the false appeal of wealth, and the desire for more things break in and choke the word, and it bears no fruit. ~Mark 4:19
We want to bear fruit. God wants us to as well. God has something wonderful He wants to show us. Something great! He has plans for every person’s life, but if we have our minds fixed and focused on the wrong things, we will never get what God has for us, and we can never go beyond where we are now.
So we can agree we all have something that has us wrapped in a web of worries, swimming in a sea of distraction, and has seized our attention and held it captive. Ideally we would like this to be God. The word says he keeps those in perfect peace whose minds are fixed on Him (Isaiah 26:3). Do we know what that looks like? What does God keeping us in perfect peace feel like? I believe it’s something like a first love, a love you bank on when everything else is going wrong. You may say, at least so and so loves me, at least so and so thinks I’m great. This is when you know you have been carried away by a force. God longs to be that force that distracts you from your circumstance, the forces that carries you away.
Life happens and bad things happen. Can’t argue with that. What I can say is that God’s word gives us assurance that when we focus on Him we can better deal with life and all that comes with it. This speaks to everything the world will throw at you and understanding this truth is sure to take us from carried away by others, carried away by our circumstance to being carried away by God into a place of perfect peace A place where we are focused on Him and not our circumstances or others. Maybe you’ve crossed this bridge in your life and have found ways to stay focused on God. Share your tips at
Mariam Kazadi is a writer/speaker with an upcoming blog, for all inquiries contact